Calcium: 1-3 servings (1 cup of milk or yogurt per serving), low fat cottage cheese, skim or 1% milk, soy milk, plain yogurt with active/live cultures
Protein: 5 servings (2-4 oz per serving or 1 cup of beans), fish 3-5 times per week, high quality protein twice a day, whey protein for recovery, bean based meals like bean burrito, no skin poultry, fish, legumes
Vegetables: 3 servings, dark green daily, colorful vegetable or fruit daily, always have vegetable (veggie in a sandwich is good but not enough) at lunch and dinner
Fruit: 3 servings, fresh fruit, whole fresh or frozen fruit (NO JUICE), fruit rich in colors like blueberries, cranberries, peaches, watermelon apples, etc.
Grain/Starch: 4 servings, whole grain 2-3 servings daily, NO pre-sweetened foods or cereal, emphasize oats, whole wheat and barley (check ingredient label carefully, just because the box says whole grain doesn’t mean it’s whole grain)
Fat: 3-4 servings, 2 “good” fats per day, peanut/almond butter, virgin olive oil for cooking and salad dressing, canola oil, avocado, olives, pecans, walnuts, NO hydrogenated (trans) fat
Lactose intolerance: symptoms are flatulence, bloating, cramps, nausea after eating milk products and are due to inability to break down lactose in milk.
Peanut/nut allergies: can be very dangerous… please check with your family physician
Good Food Choices:
Seafood: catfish, clams, halibut/salmon (Alaskan), herring, shrimp (US), scallops
Best Omega 3 source: sardines, wild salmon, tuna, rainbow trout, mackerel, anchovy, sea bass, sole, lobster, cod, swordfish
Beef: veal, top round, bottom round, top sirloin, low fat ground beef, lamb shank
Pork: pork tenderloin, pork chop, ham leg
Poultry: no skin turkey breast/wing/leg, chicken breast/leg/drumstick
Most meats and poultry contain less than 5 gms of fat in 2 oz cooked. Most fresh fish or shellfish contain less than 8 gms of fat per serving